Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Giddy as a young Schoolgirl XD

So my last post was to inform peeps of DA gallery links for artists and directors whose work we know, but may not necessarily know the name behind the work.
One of the links was to the DA gallery of Sam Liu.

I commented on one of his submissions on DeviantArt and... he replied! He took the time out of his life to reply to something I said XD I was so excited to see his message in my DA inbox.

Now, many people may think celebrities are untouchable snooty booties, however many of them live their lives similarly to anyone else; they do their work and maintain their humility. So it's not that it's a shock that I got a reply. It's an honor.
Luckily, from my field of study (video and animation) every once in a while I'll meet someone famous, or rather their work is famous but not necessarily their face. In my opinion this is the best kind of fame. Take Spongebob/Tom Kenny for example. Most everyone knows Spongebob, but if you saw Tom Kenny (voice of Spongebob) walking down the street you most likely wouldn't recognize him. He can live his life as normally as he wants while still being part of one of the USA's biggest media sensations.
Anyway, if there's a person whose work you admire and you have something you wish you could tell him/her, you should try to do it. Worst this that could happen is they don't reply. Or they reply and tell you you suck and should go die. But that's most likely not going to happen.
For the most part they also really like to heard your encouraging words.

Thank you, Sam Liu, for making my day :)

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