Monday, October 29, 2012

All-Star Superman

All-Star Superman (2011)
Directed by Sam Liu 

Superman is awesome. He's an incorruptible force of good. I bet him, Jesus, Buddha, and Obi-Wan would be bffs given the chance.

So we open with Superman doing his regular super thing, saving people: he's flying practically into the sun to rescue the first manned flight to the sun because one of the scientists on board has gone nuts from being controlled by Lex Luthor back on Earth.
Of course Superman saves Dr. Quitum and the other crew that Luthor hadn't yet killed with his puppet. However, Luthor being the actually intelligent villian that he is, has just done this as part of a long term plan to kill Superman.
Being so close to the sun has basically over-charged Superman and his cells are exploding. He's dying (I don't believe the movie ever actually says how much time passes, but from what I understand it's supposed to be about a year between the Sun rescue and the end).
So there's a bunch of awesome little adventures that Superman has for his last year, the most memorable probably being a super day with Super Lois. As a gift to Lois, Superman created a serum that will give the consumer all of Superman's powers minus vulnerabilities for 24 hours (he also makes her a cute super outfit too). They have an awesome day, though I don't think Lois really needed to be so flirtatious with the time travelers than pop in to try to win her away from Superman.
Anyway, in prison Luthor is sent to the chair. For his last wish he asks for a special cocktail. They then flip the switch and fry him.
Or so they thought. Dun dun duuuhhhh!!!
The cocktail Lex had was the same as Lois had previously received. He breaks out of prison to have one final battle with Superman. Before the two fight, Lex has asked 'friend' Solaris, a giant sun eater of sorts to mess with the Sun, sending out red solar energy, so Superman goes to take care of that first.
Superman comes back to Earth for the next fight. Superman shoots Lex with a gravity gun, ending Luthor's 24 hour super day early. However his time with those powers leaves him enlightened and wanting to save the world. Unfortunately he has to got back to prison for his crimes, PLUS before Solaris was defeated, he foiled with the Sun, putting it in a dying state as well.
Unlike Superman though, the sun is 'under-charged' while Superman is 'over-charged'. For his last deed he kisses Lois, professes his eternal love for her, then flies into the Sun, just in time for him to more or less explode, giving the Sun back the power it needs to continue to support life on Earth.
Time passes and we see Lois in a park. She's approached, 'He's not coming back.'
She replies something to the effect of 'No, he's just fixing the Sun. He'll be back when he's done.'
In prison Lex passes notes to a visiting Dr. Quintum. They're for creating baby supermen. 'They always wanted children.'
Back in the Sun, Superman has become a 'solar being' and is working on... Sun stuff I guess.      
Thank you, Superman.

Yes, I cried.  

So, have you seen Handsome Face, you know, the meme(Superman/Batman: Apocalypse from 2010)? Well All-Star Superman's Superman is very reminiscent of Handsom Face Superman. I would attribute the similarities to the fact that Sam Lie directed All-Star Superman and was a character designer for Superman/Batman: Apocalypse (a lot of the crew worked on both animations, but I think that one is key).

I did not read the comics this is based on, and trying to fit 12 issues into 1 movie can be tricky. In other words, the pacing was kind of weird in the movie, where as if I had read the comics beforehand I wouldn't have been so confused at some parts. Mainly Lois' paranoia seems to come out of no where and I found myself speaking out loud when she shot Superman, "HGBEOIJGPOTBHNBLVMF FIOCJ0UHBD0 Y???!!!!!"

The other part where things were awkward was when Superman fell back to Earth when just before that he was saying 'I've found a suitable planet for this tiny city and its inhabitants that I've been keeping in my layer thus far. I'm going to go drop them off, however it'll take so long to get to this place that I may not be able to make it back to Earth to see you ever again, Lois. You know, since I'm dying and all." I just found that to not fit well because there wasn't really anything between Superman saying goodbye to him returning to indicate time had passed. When he crash landed I thought at first he had crashed on the planet where he was dropping off dat tiny city.

 dem lipz son (image from

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