Sunday, October 28, 2012

Silent Hill: Revelation 3D

Silent Hill: Revelation 3D (2012)
Directed by Michael J. Bassett

Pyramid head in his boss fight on behalf of Sharon against Claudia (image from

Hmm... Where to start. How about... HORRIBLE.
I just went to see it in theatres with a pall, thinking 'Well it's not like it could be any worse than the first.' I was very very wrong.

Sharon and father Christopher move around a lot to avoid Sharon getting captured by the Order. This cult is after her to reunite her with Alessa (the one who keeps them in their hell of Silent Hill) and destroy her. Unfortunately for the family, the Order capture Christopher to lour Sharon to Silent Hill and it works; new friend Vincent drives her nearly all the way there before revealing he's a child of the Order and was supposed to bring her but has had a change of heart. Sharon continues there anyway and Vincent is sent to the Silent Hill asylum for being a traitor.
After a brief run-in with Dahlia, the sirens go on (I think that was the only time in the movie, aside from the very very beginning credits, that the sirens went on) and Sharon seeks shelter in a... mannequin warehouse?
Inside there's a creature turning people who entered Silent Hill from taking a wrong into mannequins. Sharon escapes, then goes into the asylum, looking for Vincent's relative who supposedly has information about the seal that allowed Sharon to escape Silent Hill between the two movies (Yes, a bit confusing. Watch the first SH for a little clarity.).
Instead of helping, Vincent's relative shoves the seal inside himself (where he's been keeping the other half) and turns into a creature. It turns out to be a really easy boss fight, however, as Sharon just reaches inside and pull the united seal out which then causes him to poof into ash for some reason...
She then saves Vincent who has been strapped to a gurney and left in a room full of nurses.
The two of them then continue on to amusement park because Christopher is in the Sanctuary which is nearby. Vincent tries to create a diversion to draw members of the Order off Sharon's tail and gets caught.
Sharon meets her dark half and they become one again. With the two of them now one, she goes to the Sanctuary where her father is being prepped to be a sacrifice for a god and Sharon the vessel. Claudia, the leader of the cult, upon trying to take the seal from Sharon turns into another creature.
Then right-hand-man Pyramid Head steps in a boss fights with Claudia for Sharon. He chops off her head, Sharon, Vincent and Christopher get free, and PH walks off all like ' what do I do now...'
Sharon and Vincent leave but Christopher decides to stay behind to find Rose (Sharon's mom from the first movie). As the two leave, they hitch a ride with a trucker named... Travis Grady!

Pyramid Head chops off the arms of asylum residents after Sharon calls out for help.
(image from

With this open ending, hopefully this mean another SH movie (that's good for once) in another 6 years.
So here's a question, did touching the seal that Sharon had actually turn Claudia into that creature?
If so, then how did she appear earlier in the movie at the mall to kill the PI tracking Sharon?
OR was that another creature with the same design? If that's the case, then touching the seal didn't do anything but make Claudia transform into something she had been previously. And if that's the case, then her followers shouldn't have been that surprised at her ghoulish appearance and ran away.
As my friend said as we left the theatre, the movies created more questions than it answered.

The writing is bad, the acting is bad, the editing is bad, the special effects are bad.
I mean, did you see the fire effect on Sharon in the beginning? That CG was poopy, along with the CG of the mannequin scenes (the girl turning into the mannequin, then her head coming back to life).
The choice to make the flashback footage grainy was also sucky. I mean, I know the footage was made to look deteriorated in the flashbacks in the first SH, but they also had a film type filter and feathered dark edges. These new flashbacks were simply grainy and I honestly found myself thinking 'What? Is the gain up too high?' For me, there wasn't enough besides the grain to indicate the grain was a good conscious choice.
This sequel has a new director who is also the writer, so maybe that has something to do with it?
Like the first movie the saving grace is good art direction and set design.
And Pyramid Head.

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