Sunday, September 21, 2014

Worst Movie Ever

For you out there that truly enjoy the torture of an awful film:

Worst film I've ever seen is
Birdemic: Shock and Terror (2010)
Written and directed by James Nguyen
If you think you've seen a more horrible film, please tell me what it is, cause as of right now I don't think there is anything worse. I don't know what the filmmakers were thinking, or even if they were thinking, but this is garbage.

So this movie is about killer birds. And the reason they kill? Global warming. And then at the end, they fly away.

This movie is so bad, and for more reasons than just the story. The acting is maybe elementary school Thanksgiving play quality. The special effects are worse than that. And the audio is even worse.

Anyway, not gonna talk much more about it cause it'll just get me worked up. So if you're curious to know more, check out the trailer. PS if you're a glutton for this anguish, there is a sequel.

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